

  You Are Strong...

Some people will try to make you
feel bad about being a woman,
will try to convince you that
you're incapable or inferior.
Don't believe it.
This is your life,
and you can do anything
you want to do.
You don't have to
follow someone else's
expectations of who you should be.
Never let anyone convince you otherwise,
and never set limits upon yourself,
because you're a woman.
You can admire the same
qualities in yourself
that you admire in men.
Remember that you're strong,
intelligent, and capable.
You're dedicated to
any endeavor that you undertake.
You are a woman,
and you have power.
You can follow your dreams
and dance to the beat
of your own heart.
You don't have to go
through life dangling
from the clouds;
instead you can fly to
the stars and claim
one for your own.

You and God...

People are often unreasonable,
irrational, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse
you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some
unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere
people may deceive you;
Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating
others could destroy overnight;
Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
some may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.

Give the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
 Something Beautiful...

I hope you find
something beautiful
when you awake;
not riches or diamonds,
but something you'll value
for its spiritual sake.
I hope you receive a letter
from a dear old friend,
or relive fond memories
that have much happiness to lend.
I hope you receive lots of smiles
and touching words of cheer,
which serve to remind you
that God is always near.
I hope you find something beautiful
that will move you the whole day through,
a treasure that can't be measured,
to fill your heart and inspire you.

 One Step...


No problem was ever solved
without a climb,
and every mountain can only
be tackled
one step at a time.
Though burdens bring
disappointment and pain,
a summit lies ahead to gain.
Don't waste your time
worrying about what might have been,
and if you slip just get back
on the road again.
Though the winter sky
claims the summer's blue,
to yourself
you must still be true.
For you have dreams
that will never pass away,
and they will remain your
lasting sun through
trouble's way.
And though progress
can seem slow
through the climb,
remember that
a mountain can only
be conquered
one step at a time.
God's Perfection...

God made the mountains
kiss the clouds
that we may look up beyond
our own small world
and strive to reach great heights.
He made the ocean wide and mighty
to remind us of the
greatness of his love
and the power of his strength.
He frosts the earth with
diamonds in the winter
to reveal the riches that
await us in heaven,
and he awakens the earth
with a profusion of lilacs and daffodils
in the spring to show us that
we've been given
the gift of eternal life.
He has created masterpieces,
and every one of them
are part of the circle of life and serve
some great purpose.
From the forests, to the valleys,
across the dales, and even to the
most distant twinkling star,
and the early morning mist that
creeps over the hills,
God has blessed the earth with
his talented hand.
So do you think that God could have
erred when he made you?
Of course he didn't.
You're perfect,
exactly what God intended you to be.
As the earth is reborn this spring,
remember that you're one of
God's great masterpieces,
a testament to his infinite
wisdom and perfection.

The Hand of God...

There will come a time
when you'll see beyond
the world you live in,
beyond the clothes you wear
and the roles you play;
beyond the physical
and material.
And you'll know that
you're a unique soul.
You'll realize that
you're so much more
than you ever imagined,
not a speck of dust,
but a bright star
sparkling in
the hand of God.


God will be with you today.
As you open your eyes to a new day,
he'll light up the sky with sunshine
to remind you how much
he loves you.
He'll be your strength through every hour.
He'll bring you many warm smiles
and unexpected pleasures throughout the day.
His love will keep you warm
and shelter you from all harm.

God will be with you tonight.
As you close your weary eyes in sleep,
he'll light up the sky with stars
to remind you that he's
always there for you.
He'll watch over you as you sleep,
touching your soul with a peace
that could only come from heaven,
and filling your dreams with a spark of hope
that will remain with you when you awake.
God will be with you tomorrow.
He'll be with you always.
And every day, he'll remind you,
in many different ways,
that he's your eternal light.

 Expect A Rainbow...


Expect a rainbow,
and you'll find it eventually.
Your dreams will come true
as long as you believe they will.
Expect a rainbow--
believe in the impossible,
otherwise you may miss
opportunity when it
knocks on your door.

Expect a rainbow,
and escape to dreams.
If you can touch your dreams
with your eyes shut,
then you can stay focused
on your goal with your eyes open.

Expect a rainbow;
look beyond the storm for
the beauty that follows
the darkness.
Expect a rainbow;
have faith in yourself
above all things.
If you believe in yourself,
then others will believe in
you too.

To Be Great...


You don't have to be
a great artist,
a great politician,
a great philosopher,
historian, athlete,
or scientist
in order to be great.

You can be great
in your kindness,
and the joy and comfort
you offer others.

You can be great
through the way
you raise your child,
and through your
love and devotion to
your significant other.

You can be great by
putting in an honest
day's work,
or by the way you've
made a house
a home for your family.

You can be great in
your desire to overcome
any obstacle in order
to make something
out of your life.

You can be great
by the way you help
your neighbors.

You can be great in
your love for God
and country.

It's not your job, ability,
status, or position in life
that makes you great,
but the love, loyalty, and
dedication in your heart.
And these are the very qualities
that bind all of humanity
to each other and
to God.

 Believe In You...

Some people won't believe in you;
they won't encourage you
to follow your dreams,
but you must always believe in you,
no matter how long the journey
ahead seems.

Some people will be jealous of you;
their words will be sharp and unkind,
but you must close your ears
to such words,
and never allow them to change
your direction or your mind.

I'll always believe in you
and encourage you
to follow your dreams,
and I'll try my best to show you
that the road is never
as long as it seems.

I'll always cheer for you;
my words will be warm and kind,
because I truly treasure you.
You own a part of my heart,
and you're always on my mind.

One Step...


No problem was ever solved
without a climb,
and every mountain can only
be tackled
one step at a time.
Though burdens bring
disappointment and pain,
a summit lies ahead to gain.
Don't waste your time
worrying about what might have been,
and if you slip just get back
on the road again.
Though the winter sky
claims the summer's blue,
to yourself
you must still be true.
For you have dreams
that will never pass away,
and they will remain your
lasting sun through
trouble's way.
And though progress
can seem slow
through the climb,
remember that
a mountain can only
be conquered
one step at a time.